Here's a List of Remote Job Boards and Resources to Find the Work You Deserve!

It was already on its way up but given recent world events, working from home and remote jobs are at the top of many people’s minds today.

I’ve been working remotely for 5 years now and although I fell into it by accident while I was in university looking for some extra cash, it’s changed my life in major ways and it’s hard for me to imagine not living this way or at least having the option.

Watch my latest video here for a few of my experiences in 4 different jobs, and keep reading for how I found those jobs and where I continue to find work and hone my skills to stay competitive in my fields!

Read on for:

1. Job boards

2. Resource and support groups

3. Email newsletters

4. People to follow/look up

5. Courses to gain and improve professional skills

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^^ pin these for later ;)

Here you go – my 20 top resources for finding remote jobs and some tips for upskilling yourself in your field!


Online Job Boards

If you’re looking to see what’s out there and in what fields, the general requirements for different jobs or you’re ready to start applying go here:

*all the above also have helpful blogs on their websites and social media pages where they’ll share some job postings too

For people early in their remote work journey, you can list your services and get both once-off gigs and longer term contracts these sites. After wrapping up my first remote job I got searching for others in copywriting, social media management and more over on Upwork.

  • UpWork

  • Fiverr

  • Good ol’ Twitter – search the keywords you need or follow accounts of the above websites and even remote employment agencies.

Resource and Support Groups

People will always be one of your best sources of real-life information and inspiration. This is where I get mine sometimes and you can do a quick search on Facebook or Twitter for:

  • General ‘remote work’ Facebook groups – I’m in this one and this one where sometimes people will post job opportunities, others will ask or give advice on payments and what to charge for certain things, opinions or warnings about scams and overall tips e.g. for particular regions or industries.

  • Digital nomad groups – a little more specific for people who work or run their businesses online and Industry-specific groups e.g. developers, virtual assistants, etc.

  • Country or Region-specific groups i.e. remote workers based in Central America or East Africa, for example.

Read also: 4 Dope Africans Living Unconventional Lives

Email Newsletters

  • blkcreatives run a fire newsletter where they’ll share the latest opportunities on their job board and other useful resources mainly for young creatives.

  • The job boards mentioned above will often have their own weekly or monthly round-up of jobs tailored to your interests. My favourites are Torre, Dynamite Jobs and Pangian’s newsletters.

People to follow

Many people have, like myself, gone through the remote work game figuring things out for themselves and many have dedicated digital content helping others do the same with everything they’ve learned.

  • Andrea of It’s a Travel OD is my remote work QUEEN - she shares her own and other people’s stories working remotely, has a full-on job board on her website and will even remote-ify your resume for you!

    IG @itsatravelod

  • Louise aka Digital Nomad Girl is actually someone who hired me to do some work for her via Upwork in 2017! She shares a lot about different remote jobs you can do at all levels of education and experience, plus how she’s made money consistently as an online course creator.

    Catch her on YouTube here.

  • Lauren aka The Wanderlust Movement is a South African location independent bae who also shares plenty about her nomadic life and remote work tips too, plus some practical tips for South Africans trying to run freelance businesses.

  • Jazz is an artist and nomad based in Thailand who shares a lot on her IG @vagabond.jazz but also has a couple of guides for teaching English online and life as a digital nomad. Check it out here.

  • My girl Teshie aka Styletech has quite a few videos up on her YouTube channel about working remotely in Kenya and South Africa including our chat from January ;)

Courses and Sites to Build Up Remote Working Skills

Whatever your field or chosen location-independent job is, there are skills you can and should improve. There are courses for virtual assistants, web developers, customer service agents and everything in between. Here are some of my personal favourites:

  • Google’s Digital Garage - online marketing, data/tech and career developent training by Google x Open University and it’s all absolutely free. Plus many of them come with a certification.

    Browse all the courses here.

  • Literally anything on Skillshare - from coding to creative writing and photography or even business and entrepreneurship. The platform hosts pre-recorded video classes from industry experts (like this one I did on building a sustainable YouTube channel by Sorelle Amore) and from independent instructors who are professionals in their field.

    Get 2 months FREE Premium membership here!

And there you go! Some of my favourite resources to get you going on your remote work life - and keep at it sustainably. Feel free to comment any additional links you find helpful and stay in touch via:

instagram // facebook // twitter
