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Why I'm Glad I Graduated Late

Hey friends :)

Been a while here on the blog! Have you been keeping up with my feeble attempts at VEDA (video every day in April) on YouTube? I'll admit I graduated the other day and sort of decided it was time for a break, 4 days into the challenge LOL.

But I'm back now.

Yup, your girl is now an architecture graduate! (((yaaaaay)))

It's been a long time coming. 5 years to be exact, when I thought it would be 3.


I had an alright start despite essentially moving to a new country on my own at age 18, and when it seemed like I was on the home stretch (about halfway into year 3) I stumbled, and then I fumbled and in the end spent an extra-extra year as a registered student doing one module (subject) because of formalities that didn't allow me to do it the year before. Annoying, right?


Yes and no. Yes because ugh uni, what a drag sometimes. No because uni, what a time to do exactly what you want because you have the time and freedom! So I did that. I fell into the digital nomad life when I got a freelance writing gig which turned out to be a bit of a life-changer for the year or so that I had it. Regular work and earnings for the first time in my life. Working in bed or at the beach or in a new cafe every day.


It wasn't long before I decided to plan my first major solo trip with my new baller status.

Photos by Lwando M Photography

As if that wasn't enough to turn those last (often embarrassing to explain) 2 years into something of value, I picked up momentum on this here blog- my own domain name and everything!- started my YouTube channel, and landed some pretty sweet modelling gigs including a national hair campaign and my first fashion week.

This may or may not have happened if I'd finished university when I hoped to, but I would not have still been in Port Elizabeth (or South Africa) so that would have cancelled out the hair campaign and fashion week, and I almost certainly would be working at an architecture firm full-time or pursuing my masters, which would cancel out the freelance work and long-term travel. I'll pass.

I guess my point here is that as much as I value education, formal learning in an institution is not all there is. At all. Everything I did and still do that looks like a cute little hobby is something I learn from everyday.

Digital marketing, branding, surviving a trip where I need to know at least a bit of a new language every few kilometres, representing my country and continent well, managing time and people, figuring out a place to sleep the day I arrive in a foreign country...these are just not things I might have learned if things went "according to plan".

And I still get to know CAD software, surveying, how deep my foundations need to be for a 10-storey apartment building (I wrote the formulas down somewhere LOL) and who the game-changers were in post-modernist architecture.


There's no reason anybody can't have both like me and so many others. If you feel like you're overwhelmed at school or at work, discuss it with your peers and your seniors- find out how you can take a break or split your time. Explore your other interests.

Insist on making yourself a complete, well-rounded person. Tell me how it goes/went for you in the comments ;)

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Photos by Lwando M Photography: instagram